

My name is Oliver Rudzick and I created this site. It is mainly devoted to my work as physicist. You can find out more about my research in the field of nonlinear dynamics and other things I am interested in.

Research interests

Theoretical studies on

  • control of pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems
    (investigation of the periodically forced complex Ginzburg-Landau equation as well as realistic models describing eg. the catalytic CO oxidation on Pt(110) or the photosensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction)
  • nonequilibrium pattern formation in reactive soft matter
  • nonlinear dynamics in semiconductors

Working experience

Research scientist in the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in Berlin (Complex Systems Group of Prof. Alexander S. Mikhailov).
Additional role as the press officer of the Fritz-Haber-Institut.
Postdoc in the Dynamics of Complex Systems Group, Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy), within the EU TMR network LOCNET (Prof. Roberto Livi).
Assistant at the Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin.
Post-graduate library traineeship (Bibliotheksreferendariat) (civil service trainee of the State of Rheinland-Pfalz).
Postdoc in the Unidad de Fluidos, Instituto Pluridisciplinar, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), within the EU TMR network Spatially Extended Dynamics (Prof. Manuel G. Velarde).
Research assistant (PhD studies) in the Nonlinear Dynamics Group (Prof. Jürgen Kurths) and chair of Statistical Physics/Theory of Chaos at the Universität Potsdam (Prof. Arkady Pikovsky).
Research assistant on the BMFT Project Evolutionary Algorithms with Prof. Werner Ebeling, Humboldt-Universität Berlin.
Teaching assistant (tutor), Institute of Theoretical Physics, Technische Universität Berlin.


Postgraduate degree in library studies and management ("Staatsprüfung für den höheren Dienst an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken", academic title: "Assessor des Bibliotheksdienstes"), Library School Frankfurt/Main.
Trainee librarian (Bibliotheksreferendar) at the University of Mainz Library (practical training) and Library School Frankfurt/Main.
PhD in Physics (Dr. rer. nat.), Universität Potsdam
(Prof. Arkady Pikovsky, Chair in Statistical Physics / Theory of Chaos)
PhD student at the Institute of Physics and Astronomy, Universität Potsdam
Diploma in Physics (equivalent to MSc degree, academic title: Dipl.-Phys.), Technische Universität Berlin
(Prof. Eckehard Schöll, Institute of Theoretical Physics)
Physics studies, Technische Universität Berlin
High School Diploma (German Abitur, equivalent to A-Levels/university entrance exam)
Rückert-Gymnasium in Berlin-Schöneberg (High School)
Sternberg-Grundschule in Berlin-Schöneberg (Elementary School)

Additional experience

Member of the committee on Environment, Transport and Local Agenda 21 of the Borough Assembly Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (Bürgerdeputierter im Ausschuß für Umwelt, Verkehr und Lokale Agenda 21 der Bezirksverordnetenversammlung Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf).
  • The main focus of my work is to improve the infrastructure for cyclists.


Cycling, contributing to OpenStreetMap, bee keeping, urban gardening

© Oliver Rudzick

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